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Re: Naming of auriculas from primulas at Yahoo! Groups (2011-4-10 18:00) |
Hello Derek. Where can I get a copy of"Classified List of Auricula Cultivars"I have tried to search online but withno luck Thanks for yours and everyones
Re: Naming from primulas at Yahoo! Groups (2011-4-10 17:53) |
Many thanks to all who have answered my qurie this has cleared my mind and makes sense looks like I will have to get some seedlings to the show bench Stuart
Naming of auriculas from primulas at Yahoo! Groups (2011-4-10 17:11) |
Hello Stuart, As David and Terry have said there is no official register of auricula hybrids, there is however a very good list edited by Les Allen it is the
舞紅葉花茎あがる from 庄内の日本桜草栽培日誌 (2011-4-10 17:00) |
じっくり眺めていたら、舞紅葉に花茎があがってました。![]() 他にあがっている株はないので、これが一番咲きになりそうです♪
あまどころ from 庄内の日本桜草栽培日誌 (2011-4-10 11:09) |
昨日までの雨で一気に芽吹いたのでしょうか、あまどころ発見!![]() つくしはありませんでしたが、春なんですね〜♪ ![]() ![]()
Twitterまとめ投稿 2010/12/05 from Hiking・デジカメ画像・ワイン&サクラソウ日記 (2011-4-10 9:49) |
慈眼寺のツバキ from 楽老 (2011-4-10 6:02) |
Re: Naming from primulas at Yahoo! Groups (2011-4-10 5:00) |
Hi Stuart, As David says there is no register that I know of in the UK for Auriculas or Primulas so there is nothing to stop anyone naming Auricula or Primula
Re: Naming from primulas at Yahoo! Groups (2011-4-10 2:21) |
Do not name at random. This can cause a great deal of confusion. Seedlings should be put before your peers for judging at NAPS shows or AGS shows and should
余震 from 続・さくら草とメダカと山と渓流 (2011-4-9 22:15) |